This weekend, HBO Nordic opened their Game of Thrones – The Exhibit in Oslo, Norway. And of course we had to visit!

On the left: The wedding outfits of Tyrion and Sansa. The Red Viper Prince Oberyn. Then, Margaery Tyrell’s epic wedding dress and both Joffrey’s and Cersei’s outfit from the Purple Wedding. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
First of all, we just have to say how awestruck we are by the dedication of the Game of Throne-fans. When we arrived pretty early on opening day, the queue went around the whole block! We’ve heard of both Italians, Czechs and Finnish people traveling to Norway just to visit the exhibit. Norwegians also travelled from around the country. Some say on the Facebook event page that they waited for 6,5 hours to get in. At the end of the day and after 2500 fans inside the gates, HBO Nordic actually had to cut the line, telling people to come back the next day. But do not despair! The exhibit are staying in Oslo until 30th of April, from 10:00-20:00 every day.
On arrival, we were greeted by maps of Westeros and banners from around the realm. Then the exhibit opened up a treasure chest for the fans. On our right were Daenerys’ dresses from the first season, a dragon and dragon eggs. On our left were Lady Melisandre’s red dress, and Ser Davos’ severed finger bones in their pouch. Further on, we met the outfits from the Purple Wedding (and I have to say I had no idea of the detailed arrangements on Margaerys wedding dress. It was epic!), we saw The Hound’s pretty raggedy (and huge) armor. We met Needle, Jaime’s new (and old) hand, we got to witness The Mountain’s enormous sword and the awesome skull mask (and skull cup) belonging to no other than Lord of Bones.
Of course we had to ascend The Wall with Oculus Rift. There were a separate line for this, but it wasn’t too long a wait, and it was definitely worth the while. We don’t want to spoil any possible surprises, but for those of you who are not familiar with the technology: With the use of this virtual reality head-mounted display and headphones, we were able to experience how it would feel like to ascend The Wall by open elevators in 4D.
Last, but not least, were of course THE Iron Throne. And it were ours to take – along with the rest of the 30 000 fans HBO Nordic are awaiting during the exhibition in Oslo.
People should understand that this is no ordinary exhibition. This is a platform for fans to show their passionate dedication, and a way for HBO Nordic to engage with the fans and give them something in return for their loyalty. The length of the waiting line probably tells a great deal of how welcome an event like this is in Norway. It’s not often we get to take part of world wide happenings, so this proves the Norwegian people are more than welcoming it. Also, since we have our own Kristofer Hivju playing Tormund Giantsbane (which also had his gear exhibited), it’s only fair we get to show our appreciation towards HBO, George R.R. Martin and the whole world of Westeros.
We are impressed by the crew behind the series and their care for details when bringing George R. R. Martins Westeros to life. Now that we have seen the costumes, the armors and all the detailed belongings of the different characters , it will add a new dimension when watching the series.
So thank you so much for this great experience, HBO!
Watch our picture gallery from the exhibit:
- The queue. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
- Daenerys and one of her dragons. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
- On the left: The wedding outfits of Tyrion and Sansa. The Red Viper Prince Oberyn. Then, Margaery Tyrell’s epic wedding dress and both Joffrey’s and Cersei’s outfit from their Purple Wedding. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
- Tyrion. Photo: Line Evensen
- Margaery Tyrell’s epic wedding dress. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
- Arya Stark to the Hound. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
- The Iron Throne. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
- Ygritte, Jon Snow, and Tormund Giantsbane. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
- Lord of Bones’ mask and equipment from beyond the wall. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
- Elevators from the NYC exhibition. Photo: Ashley Sears / HBO
- Brienne and Jaime. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
- Jaime’s severed hand. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
- Lady Melisandre’s recognizable red dress, the armor of Stannis Baratheon and Ser Davos with his obligatory finger pouch. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø
- Details from Dragonstone. Photo: Jan F. Lindsø